
Pin Count Expansion for MX80 Series Waterproof Automotive Connectors

JAE has expanded its MX80 Series of compact, waterproof in-line connectors for automotive applications by adding a 12 position option to the existing lineup of 2, 3, 4, and 6 position lineup. An 8 position option is also under development and is scheduled for future release.

Due to the advancement of ADAS, infotainment, and powertrain electrification, the number of ECUs and electronic devices being incorporated within vehicles is increasing.

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Hybrid plug connection Power and Ethernet

With the GT1D233, GT Contact provides a robust, waterproof hybrid connector for power and Ethernet.

In addition to the 4-pin shielded Ethernet connector, the plug also contains 2 power connections of 15 A each and 3x 2A. The whole thing is housed in minimal dimensions of approx. 25mm.

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Degson Connectors for Energy Storage Systems

With the ESP (Plug) and ESS (Socket) series, Degson is introducing a new generation of connectors for energy storage systems. In the largest version, cables with up to 50mm² can be contacted and have a rated current of up to 200A.

Naturally, these connectors are waterproof and dustproof, ...

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microSD-Card Holder in IP68

GT Contact, our innovative Taiwanese manufacturer for rugged waterproof connector systems, introduces a new storage medium panelmount microSD card holder according to IP68.

Typically, SD cards are used in non-critical environments, as memory cards e.g. in mobile phones, tablets as well as in digital cameras.

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RJ Connectors

Since 2010, we have been supplying well-known telecom and industrial customers with modular connectors, also known as RJ sockets, throughout Europe. RJ connectors were introduced in the 1970s by Bell Laboratories in the USA as telephone connectors and were standardised by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC Part 68) in 1976.

"RJ" stands for Registered Jack (standardised socket). ...

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JAE´s CCS Type-2 Charging Plug

Recently, emission regulations for motor vehicles have been tightened as part of global warming measures and the market for electric vehicles is steadily increasing.

With the increasing number of electric vehicles, the number of charging point usage is also increasing and the life cycle of the plugs/contacts is being reached...


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MX80 – miniaturní voděodolný konektor od firmy JAE

Neustále rostoucí počet elektronických součástek v automobilech vede k omezení prostoru pro montáž a zapojení a poptávka po menších a výkonnějších konektorech je stále zřetelnější.

Pro dosažení těchto požadavků přichází na trh firma JAE se sérií MX80.

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JAE Leiterplattensteckverbinder Gigabit AX01 Toleranzausgleichend

AX01 Floating Board-to-Board konektor od JAE

AX01 Floating Board-to-Board konektor od JAE

Se sérií AX01 představuje JAE jejich první Floating Board-to-Board konektor s roztečí 0.635 mm. Konektor používá vysoce spolehlivé dvou-bodové kontakty, to je ideální pro vnitřní propojení průmyslových zařízení jako jsou roboti, automatizované a obráběcí stroje a další zařízení. Konektor AX01 je dostupný v konfiguracích od 30 do 140 pinů a ve výškách od 8 mm do 30 mm.

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