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Design-In Distributor
for Electronic Components

Nippon Chemicon offer 2 new radial Ecap Series - KXN & KXQ

The KXN is the further development of the input electrolytic series KXG/ KXJ/ KXL.

The aim was to reduce the dimensions of the new series, or to be able to offer a significantly higher ripple current and more capacity in the same case size. The capacitance range offered is from 15 to 180µF.

Comparing the KXN with the KXL, the new series can carry a 20% higher current and also has a 25% higher capacity (e.g. case 18x35 - 450V).

The typical ​​application is the classic switching power supply, in which the KXN is used as an input capacitor after rectification in the voltage range 420/450Vdc. The smaller design and the higher capacity allow the design of smaller, more powerful and more reliable power supplies.

Depending on the size, the service life is specified as 10,000 to 12,000 hours at full stress, i.e. 105°C and simultaneous 100% ripple current load.

The KXQ is the reduced version of the long life power supply capacitor KXJ, available in the voltages 400, 420 and 450V. The capacitance values ​​range from 47 to 180µF.

This series is intended for use in automobiles, in "on-board charger applications" and of course meets the automotive requirements of AEC-Q200. If you compare a typical "on-board charger" Elko designed as a KXJ 82µF/450V Ø18x31.5mm with the KXQ 82µF/450V Ø18x25mm, the overall height shrinks by approx. 25%

The service life is also specified here, depending on the size, at 10,000 to 12,000 hours at full stress, i.e. 105°C and simultaneous 100% ripple current load.

For your special operating conditions, we would be happy to create a service life estimate free of charge according to your mission profile.

We would be happy to advise you free of charge.

Samples, price offers, short-term delivery options and further information can be obtained via the contact form or from your known contact person.


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